We Are One Conference 2025
For all teens 6th through 12th grade!
!!! REGISTRATION is Closed !!!
Cost: $70*
Payment Methods: Online
Location: Gateway Assembly Church (Imlay City, MI)
Bus leaves Trinity @ 5pm on Friday, March 21st
Bus returns approximately 6:30pm, Saturday, March 22nd (students will text/call with anticipated arrival time after leaving the conference)
*Cost covers the conference fee and meals (dinner on Friday; breakfast and lunch on Saturday). Students are encouraged to bring extra cash for snacks and/or merch as these will be available.
Medical/Parental Release Form
Please print, fill out and return the medical/parental release forms if you haven’t done so already. Forms can be printed by clicking HERE. Please return completed forms to the church office (Monday - Thursday / 8am - 5pm) or to youth leaders on Wednesday nights (6:30pm).
Registration is closed. Deadline was Marcy 16th.