More Connect Groups

Whether they are meeting at the church or at a personal home, these groups are meant to create an environment for you to connect and grow TOGETHER.

Contact the office or fill out the form below to learn more, get involved, or get connected with a connect group leader.

Lighthouse Prayer | Adults • The Prayer Room • Sundays @ 6pm & 3rd Sundays @ 5pm

Led by Pastors Doug & Christina Tipton, no sign-up required. This group meets together to seek the Lord and train the saints to seek the lost. On the 3rd Sunday of every month, from 5-6pm, they do local evangelism to reach the community, putting our faith into action! Join this group each week as they gather together to talk to Jesus.

Connecting With Friends | Adults • Swartz Creek • 3rd Sunday • evenings

Led by Dennis & Brenda Rainwater, this group gathers together in order to blossom relationships with one another, with a clear heart for missions.

*kid friendly

Encouraging Words | Adults • Chapel • 3rd Sunday • 5pm

Led by Pat McAllister & Lei Bolinger, join this group as they come together to encourage each other with testimonies and through experiences they have had on this amazing journey serving the Lord, and build relationships in the process.

*adults only

Crochet | All ages • Class 1 • Mondays • 6pm

Led by Janet Bourgeois, join this group as they gather each week to learn and develop the craft of crochet!

Tuesday Men’s Prayer Group | Men • The Men’s Classroom • Tuesdays • 8am

Led by various group leaders, no sign-up required. Join this group each week as they gather together to pray for many things.

Praying Wives | Married Women • The Men’s Classroom • 1st & 3rd Thursdays • 6:30pm

Led by Bobbi Knorr and Caitlyn Leach, this group is not a marriage class, but rather wives joining together to pray for and uplift their spouses. A place where marriages can be strengthened and friendships are formed.

J.O.Y. Bible Study | Adults • Chapel • Thursdays • 10am

Led by J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Ministry Leaders, this group aims to bring together adults to a time of prayer, worship, and biblical studies.

J.O.Y. Breakfast | Adults • Locations vary • 1st Saturdays • 9am

Led by J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Ministry Leaders, this group aims to bring together adults to a time of food, fellowship, and reminiscing. Restaurants alternate each month between Golden Coral (Miller Rd) and Liberty Family Restaurant (Pierson Rd). Call the office to find out where to join this lively group each month.

Interested in joining or Starting a Connect Group?

Simply fill out the form below and let us know.